
Showing posts from December, 2021

Be bolu the shop

  Be bolu the shop In a village a man was there his name is Bolu. He started a shop like this, I mean in post they will write a letter and send him. He will send. The shop is a grocery store. The shop name is Be bolu. One day a letter came. He sent a rupee. But nothing came because, see the letter the spelling of rupee only one e is there. So he was sad. Again this letter came rupee also correct He sent And lived happily. Thank you Enjoy! 😃

Peacock Art


Peacock and the river

  Story -5 Peacock and the river Once upon a time there was a river in a forest all animals and birds drink water in the river but one peacock will not drink water in this river because the river will be like a snake so the peacock will drink water in a pond and there is only this river and pond to drink water in the forest.  POND  RIVER One day the pond was empty but the peacock want to drink water only in the river but it was thinking. All animals said drink water in the river But peacock said no. It did not drink water whole day. Then it understand all water is water, a bottle water is also water, Then after that minute she asked sorry to all the animals and drank water in the river also. Thank you!         

Becy and the Holi

  Story- 4 Becy and the holi   In the koli village a girl named as Becy She likes holi a lot so every holi will be jolly and everyone enjoys it. One day I mean that day is a holi day she don’t have colour so she was sad. And she got an idea ! To pick the flowers and grind it. She enjoyed the holi. Holi is already fun this is more fun. If it is holi enjoy it.

Roses in the world

  Page: Some Thing: Now I am going to talk This is a page to talk. You may ask that’s ok but story I will say that also but later Yeah, we can talk I will write my answer Do you ice-cream? I like ice-cream.   In down you can write That’s all What (1) question yes Roses in the world              ert In      like this a state were there In this a girl named as 34+34=68 She planted a lot of roses in her garden Her house full of roses Her head full of roses Every things are roses like this the house were there The garden like this So everyone bought roses form her. She became rich.  Like a queen She said thank you for all